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American Television News
News & Media Production

Mar 31, 2017
The Heat-The War in the Middle East & The US-Egyptian Relations
American Television News Managing Editor Ahmed Fathi was the guest of Anand Naidoo on his show "The Heat" on CGTN America (China G

Mar 31, 2017
The Security Council Welcomes Actions by UNESCO to preserve Cultural Heritage Sites in Peril
The United Nations Security Council adopted unanimously resolution 2347 which is the first ever resolution adopted by the 15 member...

Mar 30, 2017
Colombia: UN Receives 7,000 Weapons From FARC-EP as Hunt for Hidden Caches Continues
The United Nations Mission in Colombia is set to register some 7,000 weapons this weekend, but the search for other caches of weapons...

Mar 29, 2017
North Korea Human Rights Violations for Women and Children
“Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation...

Mar 28, 2017
Exclusive Interview with the President of U.N. General Assembly
In a recent interview with Peter Thomson, the President of the United Nations General Assembly he tackled the tough issues of climate...

Mar 27, 2017
The Women of New York Exhibit
Under the auspices of the Government of Canada Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Ambassador Michael Grant, Deputy Permenant...

Mar 25, 2017
United Nations Conference on Legally Binding Instrument Leading towards Total Elimination of Nuclear
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 71/258, the United Nations conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit...
Mar 9, 2017
WatchList Report on Children In Armed Conflict Adds 11 More Countries
Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict recently released the annual report adding eleven new countries in violation of childrens...
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